Solomon Islands National Environmental Capacity Development Action Plan: 2008-2012; Part 1

Solomon Islands National Environmental Capacity Development Action Plan: 2008-2012; Part 1


Solomon Islands has undertaken a National Capacity Self Assessment (NCSA) to review its capacity to address national environmental management issues and meet requirements under international obligations, specifically the three Rio Conventions - UN Convention for Biological Diversity (UNCBD), UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). The NCSA funded through the Global Environment Facility and implemented by the Environment and Conservation Division, identified capacity constraints and opportunities for developing capacity to tackle international and national environmental management issues. As a result, a National Environmental Capacity Development Action Plan has been prepared as the outcome of a comprehensive process of research, consultation and workshops to prepare stock take analyses on the status of Convention implementation, thematic assessments to explore capacity strengths, constraints in addressing environmental management issues, and identification of cross cutting issues impacting the three Rio Conventions and across the national environmental agenda.

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