
The SimCLIM for ArcGIS / Marine add-in is the only tool available in the world that gives access to the AR5 marine results. It can help you explore the impacts of climate change on marine biogeochemical cycles, sea level, and sea surface temperature. It is a user-friendly ArcGIS Desktop application launched as a toolbar. It allows you to evaluate uncertainties of ocean warming, offering less time-consuming analysis, and optimizing research costs as well as enhancing current capacity. It has a unique sea level rise dataset, with seasonal variation, including vertical land movement.

Marine variables

            net primary production of carbon by phytoplankton (gC/m3/day)

            dissolved nitrate concentration at surface (mmol/m3)

            dissolved oxygen concentration at surface (mol/m3)

            pH at surface

            dissolved phosphate concentration at surface (mmol/m3)

            total alkalinity at surface (mol/m3)

            dissolved iron concentration at surface (umol/m3)

            dissolved silicate concentration at surface (mmol/m3)

            sea surface temperature (°C)

            sea level rise (cm) with vertical land movement   

Areas (all AR5) 

            only global (0.25x0.25 degrees; ca. 25x25km)     


            spatial scenarios (given year, emission scenario and GCMs)

            ensembles on the fly

            percentile results for ensembles

            extrapolated global coverage to simplify coast-line alignment

            min/mean/max over the months 


            ArcGIS functionality
