

This mid-term project report is aimed at summarizing progress to date relating to the €˜Responding to climate change using an adaptation pathways and decision-making approach€™ project, and specifically on the four following aims:

  1. Detailing the development, application and evaluation of a method for enhancing the capacity of communities to undertake adaptations to their livelihoods in response to drivers of change, including a long-term change in climate;
  2. Providing community perspectives on the impacts of a changing climate on farming and fishing activities in two sub-regions in Timor-Leste, together with appropriate adaptation responses;
  3. Providing the findings of empirical analyses of a number of adaptation options in the context of the two locations, from an economic, social and environmental perspective;
  4. Providing recommendations for progressing the implementation and iterative management of adaptation efforts via an adaptation pathways and decision-making approach.
Publication Year
2 012
Dr. Sarah Park (principal author)
Resource Type
Physical Description
WorldFish Centre