
The private sector mapping for Tuvalu commenced on 19 September for forty working days with the guidance of Tuvalu National Private Sector Organisation (TNPSO), Climate Change Division, GCF’s NationalDesignated Authority (NDA), relevant government agencies and thePIFS PACRES team to consolidate key information and data sources from the private sector.

This is to help inform more effective policy and decision-making relating to private sector engagement including recommendations tostrengthen private sector engagement in all national climate change and disaster related initiatives.

Although the consultation was largely focused on Funafuti, the survey was promoted to eight outer islands of Tuvalu online and with the Kaupule assistance on three targeted outer islands. A total of 59 business surveys were collected from either written, face-to-face or online approaches.

The mapping exercise provided an opportunity to collect some baseline information that can assist TNPSO and the government with strategic planning and resourcing activities related to resilient development for the private sector. As part of the mapping, a SWOT analysis was carried out on the private sector including a study of options for improved engagement between the public and private sectors.